Jorge Molina

No to TPP-11! Chile’s battle for sovereignty

For economics doctor José Gabriel Palma, the TPP-11 is nothing more than ensuring that whatever the nature of any future government; whatever the will of the majority of Chileans; whatever any new government programme says on economic and environmental matters;…

The triumph of the indignados: The multiple factors behind the defeat of Apruebo in Chile

As Napoleon Bonaparte said in 1807 in the framework of the Peace of Tilsit “Victory has 100 fathers and defeat is an orphan”, so the post-election reaction after the crushing victory of the Rejectionist option needs to be removed from…

The privileged caste and its machinery of lies against the New Chilean Constitution

Those who support the Rejection of the new Constitution claim that with some reforms the current text can satisfy social demands. However, some lawyers, such as constitutionalist Miriam Henríquez (2021), point out that the rulings of the Constitutional Court (TC)…

The media-constitutional terrorism of Rejection in Chile: Fake News Carnival

“Most of the polls will say every day, until the last one, that the Rejection wins; that’s what they are paid for. If they instill fear in you, there is nothing left to do but, as in the dictatorship, overcome…

Angelo Sodano’s background: the Godfather of the Vatican

The main accusation against the Vatican in the pederasty scandal is that it has covered up for the guilty in recent decades. As more becomes known, Benedict XVI, then Prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith since 1981, comes out…

The right-wing campaign of terror: a history of media intimidation to keep its privileges intact

An editorial in the Conservative Party’s El Diario Ilustrado, signed by Joaquín Díaz Garcés and published on Wednesday 12 May 1920, stated: “Arturo Alessandri… is ambitious and audacious. By his race he is a Renaissance Italian. By his mental structure,…

Chile: The extreme violence of the socio-political and economic system implanted by the elite

“At 10:45 a.m. on 6 October 1988, while outside a sea of people were parading around celebrating (one day afterwards the defeat of the dictatorship at the polls), we were told at that meeting that they had to be demobilised.…

Patriots for rejection: Pinochet’s violent and privileged brotherhood heir to the throne

“Fascism is cured by reading and racism is cured by travelling”. Miguel de Unamuno The “Freedom Bus”, travelling through the streets of several Chilean cities with phrases such as “Boys have penises. Girls have vulvas. Don’t be fooled”, against the…

The Western war of lies and fake news in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

The dominant cultural hegemony of the West is clearly manifested in the control of the media; the campaign of disinformation, lies, hoaxes, censorship of the media – mainly Russian – and the demonisation of the figure of the President of…

Chile’s fascist ultra-right: an X-ray of the hate horde

Miguel Urrutia, a lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences, points out that the new fascist organisations are a response to the emergence of positions that have been a constant in our country since the end of the 19th century,…

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