Juan Pablo Cárdenas

Juan Pablo Cárdenas Squella es un periodista y profesor universitario de vasta trayectoria. En el 2005 recibió en premio nacional de Periodismo y, antes, la Pluma de Oro de la Libertad, otorgada por la Federación Mundial de la Prensa. También obtuvo el Premio Latinoamericano de Periodismo, la Houten Camara de Holanda (1989) entre otras múltiples distinciones nacionales y extranjeras. Forma parte de los sesenta periodistas del mundo considerados Héroes de la Libertad de Expresión, reconocimiento hecho por la Federación Internacional de Periodistas. Ha sido director y columnista de las revistas Debate Universitario, Análisis y Los Tiempos, así como del diario electrónico primeralínea.cl. También fue por más 18 años director de la Radio Universidad de Chile y de su diario digital. Se ha desempeñado como profesor de varias escuelas de periodismo de Santiago y Valparaíso y en la Universidad de Chile alcanzó el grado de profesor titular y senador universitario.

The hard craft of criticism

Journalists who have an opinion regularly receive expressions of encouragement and approval for what we write or say. Of course, most of the time these are expressions of support, but sometimes we are also criticised for what we say. In…

Social upheaval, revolt and revolution

What we Chileans had in October 2018 was a great social outburst. A broad and national manifestation of acute discontent that was expressed in cities, avenues and even towns all over the country. An unrest that did not hesitate to…

In the vicious circle of the same model

It took only two weeks for the right wing and big business to dispel their fears about Gabriel Boric’s presidential victory. In just a few days these sectors managed to install an economist of their confidence in the Finance Ministry…

For lack of moral authority

At this point in history, nothing could seem more contrary to human dignity than war, the arms race and multi-billion-dollar military spending. Especially when there are so many millions of people still suffering from hunger, lack of housing and access…

A new “fiesta” of democracy

When it comes to pointing out the winners and losers of the recent elections to renew the board of directors of the Constitutional Convention, it is concluded that those who won are only those who obtained the presidency and vice-presidencies…

Public letter to President Boric

Dear Mr. President: I am writing to you as a member of that generation of communicators who poured their youth into the effort to break the information blockade imposed by the Pinochet dictatorship, denounce serious human rights violations and advocate…

Chile: Kast or Boric

If with so many presidential candidates in the first round of elections abstention was higher than the number of voters, nothing presages that now the situation could change and not be even more those who are reluctant to vote for…

Chilean elections: Did the people really win?

Those who went to vote on Sunday did so in the conviction that they would have to return to the polls to decide between the two candidates with the highest number of votes. The polls, and not the popular demonstrations,…

Can Chile move towards peace?

It cannot be ignored that violence has severely infiltrated relations between Chileans, seriously affecting social peace. Not only conflicts of a political nature are expressed with a high degree of radicalism, but also the phenomenon of common delinquency plagues the…

The shaky constituent effort

It is a matter of observing the world, as well as our own country, to conclude that democracies are rarely achieved and offer capable and beneficial rulers. Since ancient times, the regimes that were considered as such were not even…

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