Juana Pérez Montero

Editora de Pressenza. Periodista y activista humanista.

From all over Spain, rally for higher public pensions and wages and against privatisation of public services

Collectives from all parts of Spain met in Madrid on 15 October in defence of public pensions and their revaluation, for the elimination of the gender gap in pensions; in favour of a rise in salaries based on the real…

Sara Tajuelo: “The voice of the silenced souls”.

We spoke with Sara Tajuelo, on the occasion of the presentation of her book La voz de las almas silenciadas. A look inside the elderly in residential homes, a book full of denunciation, vindicating proposals, compassion and projection of the…

Sergi Raventós: In the face of poverty and begging, it is necessary to go a step further and propose a basic income

“…Basic income is not the solution to all the problems that this society has… but it can put an end to poverty from an economic point of view, and it can help people to have more freedom to plan their…

Tomás Hirsch invites people to mobilise to vote ‘for those who guarantee rights for all’.

We interviewed Tomás Hirsch, Chilean humanist, re-elected as deputy for the 11th District of Santiago. The most conservative district in Chile, and “where we have the worst income distribution gap in our country”. We discuss with him his re-election and…

Silence as a path and spiritual encounter

We spoke with Arash Arjomandi and Pablo d’Ors, on the occasion of the dialogue they held in Madrid (Casa Asia), entitled “‘Abdu’l Bahá, the master of spirituality without borders”. While Arjomandi introduced us more to the figure of ‘Abdu’l Bahá,…

Nicole Myers: “We are definitely working on the Yes Road”.

We spoke with Nicole Myers, New Yorker, Silo messenger and co-promoter of the Hudson Valley Park of Study and Reflection, near New York City. The conversation was part of the commemoration of the “Mission of the 80s”, a series of…

Loueila Mint: “There is nothing more revolutionary than treating others well”.

We open this second series of builders of the future, with the Saharawi lawyer and activist, Loueila Mint, protagonist of the documentary Aquí estamos by Javier Ríos, in which the plight of migrants arriving in the Canary Islands from Africa…

The colours of Western Sahara flood the centre of Madrid, calling on Spain to fulfil its obligation as an administering power

This Saturday, 19 June, saw the closing of the March for the Freedom of the Sahrawi People, with a demonstration that brought together tens of thousands of Spaniards and Sahrawis to demand that the government of Pedro Sánchez assume the…

74th World Health Assembly: “The Future of the Species is at Stake”

This was one of the statements which Dr. Carlos Ferreyra, Argentinian medical epidemiologist and climate activist, made in an interview which he gave to Pressenza on the occasion of the 74th World Health Assembly, and as promoter of the 1st…

Morocco uses migration to win economic improvements and support from Europe in the Western Sahara conflict

In the early hours of Monday morning, 17 May, dozens of Moroccans, who ended up numbering around 8,000, began to enter Ceuta, the Spanish enclave city on Moroccan Territory. They did so by swimming, crossing the Tarajal and Benzú spurs…

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