Juana Pérez Montero

Editora de Pressenza. Periodista y activista humanista.

Women who Build the Future: Zohar Chamberlain Regev

Zohar Chamberlain Regev, who is Israeli, works as a volunteer at the Palestine Museum of Natural History, which is directed by Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh. The Museum’s motto is respect for oneself, respect for others and respect for ones’ environment, as…

An Unconditional Basic Income for Every Inhabitant of the Planet Is Necessary and Possible

An unconditional basic income for every inhabitant of the planet is both necessary and possible. This intervention took place within the panel “Is an unconditional basic income necessary and possible for every inhabitant of the planet?“, during the 8th Symposium…

Madrid elections: the right wing wins in the best ‘Trumpist’ style

The most conservative right together with the extreme right -Partido Popular plus VOX- gets 78 deputies, compared to the 58 who have added between Mas Madrid, PSOE and Unidas Podemos. The most conservative right won in the best Trumpist and…

Women who Build the Future: Vandana Shiva

We open the series “Women who Build the Future: Towards a Nonviolent Culture“, with Vandana Shiva‘s interview. This is the first of a number of interviews with women from all continents who are committed to life. A project that has…

Basic Income at the WSF: “Ensuring subsistence is the material basis for our liberation”.

Within the World Social Forum 2021, a panel took place on 25 January with the title RBUI, gaining freedom by ensuring subsistence. The speakers were Eduardo Suplicy, Sergio Mesquita and the author of the paper reproduced below, Juana Pérez Montero.…

Julian Assange: “Behind the sentence, there has been great social pressure,” according to Fidel Narváez.

“We must celebrate the sentence … but with great caution,”. In this interview, Fidel Narvaez, former consul of Ecuador in London tells us about the resolution that denies the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States. “Behind the sentence,…

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