Katerina Exarchou

Born in 1997 in Larissa, Greece and holds a BA in Journalism & Mass Communications. Passionate about human rights promotion, social justice, gender equality and environmental protection.

What’s needed for peace in Palestine and Lebanon?

On September 13th, the Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF) hosted a webinar under the title “Palestine and Lebanon: What is to be done?” Speakers from WILPF’s sections in Palestine, Lebanon, Norway, and the US discussed the situation…

Golden Eye Chef: An Indian cooking contest for the blind that surpasses the country’s borders

In 2019, Golden Eye Chef, a Cooking Contest for the visually impaired and the blind that is focused on raising awareness and changing society’s perception regarding visual disability, was conducted in India for the very first time. The Contest consisted…

The European Court of Human Rights condemns Greece over deadly refugee boat sinking

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has convicted Greece for serious omissions and multiple human rights violations over the sinking of a refugee boat in 2014, in which eight children and three women lost their lives. During the early…

Greece: Redefining the human-nature relationship

From June 30 until July 2, the 2nd Youth Lifelong Learning Festival took place in Larissa, Greece. It was held at Mill of Pappas, a cultural heritage museum at the edge of the city center, and included concerts, theatrical performances,…

Building the “trail of optimism” in Volos, Greece

Active Citizens of Volos, a grassroots initiative, made an open call on July 27th to all the citizens in the city of Volos to help build a hiking trail under the name “trail of optimism”. But what does the “trail…

Is climate crisis a form of structural violence?

When examining the climate crisis-violence nexus, many researchers, journalists, policy analysts, and environmentalists tend to focus exclusively on the potential link between global warming and increasing conflict: Will the world become more violent? Will climate disruption trigger uprisings and exacerbate…

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