Marianella Kloka

Marianella Kloka is a 50 years old woman, living in Athens, Greece. She has been a member of the Humanist Movement since 1990 and she is a founding member of World without Wars and Violence in Greece. Currently she works as an advocacy officer for the NGO PRAKSIS. Politics, human rights, scripts, audiovisuals. Twitter: @MarianellaKloka | Facebook: marianella.kloka

Pía Figueroa: Chile’s youth deserve to be at the forefront of events

Last Sunday national elections were held in Chile. Marianella Kloka spoke with Pía Figueroa, a member of our Chilean office, to get her first impressions of the process and the results, ahead of the second round of elections scheduled for…

Epidemics Can’t Be Stopped Without Trust

From Ebola to COVID-19, epidemics are fueled by fear and misinformation. Vaccines are refused; people protest unwanted public health measures; and in the chaos generated by traditional and social media, viruses keep spreading. So, how do we fix a global…

Papadimoulis’ commitment to create a wider political front for patents in the EU

20 January 2021. At the initiative of the office of the former Minister of Health, Andreas Xanthos, a very interesting discussion was organized on the subject of vaccines, of patents, the EU’s position and that of the member states, the…

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