Matt Tipton

Matt Tipton

Journalism Intern at Pressenza. MLitt International Political Theory, University of St Andrews. BA History, London School of Economics and Political Science. Interested in Humanitarianism, MENA, and the political philosophy of Isaiah Berlin.

Ambiguity over Britain’s political future

On 20 October, Liz Truss announced her resignation as prime minister. In a brief statement outside 10 Downing Street, she conceded that she could not ‘deliver the mandate on which [she] was elected by the Conservative Party.’ Her 45-day long…

United Kingdom: Liz Truss facing a credibility crisis

Even the most pessimistic Conservative MP would have failed to predict that, one month into Liz Truss’ premiership, her position could be quite so precarious. On Monday, the prime minister sat briefly and silently in the Commons chamber while her…

United Kingdom: Climate and cost-of-living protest action to converge in London this weekend

A coalition of activist groups will converge to engage in protests in London this weekend. Beginning on the 1st of October at 11 am, Just Stop Oil activists will begin a mass demonstration in Westminster to demand that the UK…

‘Enough is Enough’: the campaign fighting Britain’s cost of living crisis

Large crowds have been gathering across Britain this last few weeks to attend a series of rallies held by ‘Enough is Enough’, a new campaign focused on combatting Britain’s ongoing cost of living crisis. Announcing its inception at the beginning…

The merits of a value pluralist politics in a time of polarisation

Political and social polarisation is born of difference. This problem deeply impresses itself upon contemporary politics. Britain, in the wake of Brexit and the coronavirus, looks to be proceeding along a malicious process in which political divisions are magnifying. This…

Europe’s ‘Cycling Revolution’: The Forthcoming Joint Cycling Declaration

Cycling advocacy groups have this month been praising impending developments in inter-institutional European frameworks centred on the creation of a homogenous European cycling plan. Speaking recently at the 2022 Cycling Summit in Copenhagen, Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President of the European…

Dan’s call for “Eyes and Aid”, and a fair share of reporting on Bangladesh’s flooding.

Every year, the citizens of Sylhet district in northeast Bangladesh prepare for a monsoon season that typically runs between June and October. It is a period on which Bangladesh’s rice production relies, and during which crops can receive the nourishment…

Libya Looking to Move on

The final round of negotiations between the two opposing administrations in Libya have been taking place this week in Cairo. Under the auspices of Stephanie Williams, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Libya, representatives from the Tripoli-based High Council of…

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