Mayssa Issaoui

Mayssa Issaoui

A translator and a human rights defender who holds a Master degree in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and a Bachelor degree in English Language, Literature and Civilisation. In addition to that, Mayssa is currently working as a certified trainer and the Tunisia National Coordinator at the INGO World Youth Alliance.

Much ink has been spilled on COP27 in Egypt

Only a few weeks are left for the Conference of Parties (COP27) where Egypt is going to be the host country for this year. But this decision has been faced with several controversies and opposition from various civil society organisations.…

The MENA region opts for a “neutral” position concerning the protests in Iran

A month has passed since the protests in Iran erupted calling for women’s right to bodily autonomy as well as other fundamental freedoms. Several countries issued statements towards this condemning President Raisi’s violence against protestors and supporting women in Iran.…

Addressing mental health in children: is as important as addressing child labor: An interview with the founder of Smile Child Organisation in Kenya

The new political changes in Kenya and the period of political instability that the country has witnessed raise the question of whether the newly elected president and the government would address the issue of child labor and poverty in Kenya.…

Taliban’s conflict against women and girls’ rights in Afghanistan

August 2022 marked one year since the Taliban took over Afghanistan. That year has been defined by human rights violations, directed especially against women and girls. By Mayssa Issaoui and Matt Tipton On April 14, 2021, Joe Biden announced plans to…

Modern slavery, around 50 million people trapped according to latest ILO report

On September 12th, 2022, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) released their latest estimates and revealed that 50 million people worldwide are trapped in modern slavery with women (54%), children (1 in 4) and migrants most affected. Modern slavery Modern slavery…

Sri Lanka protests persist even after the election of a new president

On August 20th, there was another major protest in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The protests persisted even after the president fled the country and a new president was appointed. The protests started in March and are still ongoing. In March 2022,…

Defining Normal in Gaza

In the first week of August, Israel launched another military attack on Gaza Strip that lasted for 3 days. The attack then ended when both parties agreed on a ceasefire, and life started “going back to normal”. Nevertheless, that raises…

Tunisia hosts the 3rd World Women’s Conference: A focus on Grassroot Women

This year, Tunisia has been the host country of the 3rd World Women’s Conference with a focus on “grassroot women”. Tunisia is the third country to host this kind of event. The first one was held in Caracas, Venezuela in…

New warnings on global famine in the case of nuclear war

On August 15th, 2022, a press briefing was held under the title “Global Famine after Nuclear War”. The event tackled issues related to the environmental impacts of nuclear war anywhere in the world. It was based on a research paper…

Mowing the grass in Gaza

On Friday, August 5th, Israel launched another attack on Gaza Strip that lasted for 3 days until a cease-fire agreement on August 7th as part of Israel’s strategy of “mowing the grass” in Gaza Strip. Israel initiated the attack on…

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