Monde sans Guerres et sans Violence

Monde sans Guerres et sans Violence est une association à but non lucratif qui existe depuis plus de 20 ans. Elle ne perçoit aucun type de subventions. C’est une organisation avec le statuts “consultatif spécial” reconnu par le Conseil économique et social des Nations Unies (ECOSOC)

Global Campaign “Nuclear Disarmament Now!” Discussion

In the context of the launch of the International Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Now!! an appeal was made to all progressive forces and individuals worldwide to raise their voices in favour of dialogue and nuclear disarmament since the future of…

The renunciation of war and the conflict in Afghanistan

After all that has been written about the conflict and the withdrawal of NATO troops in Afghanistan, World without Wars and Violence Chile emphatically declares that a definitive end to the wars is the only way to stop the violence…

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