Olivier Turquet

Takes care of writing to tell the reality for about 40 years. He has worked with paper publications, radio and electronic He founded the electronic news agency humanist Good News. He was press secretary to various events such as: the International Humanist, Florence Play, the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. Currently coordinates the Italian team of Pressenza. olivierturquet.wordpress.com

Italian elections: abstention and the far right

The first statistic of the Italian political elections is the record abstention rate: 64% of voters, confirming the distrust of the electorate towards the political system damaged by changes in programmes and alliances, by an incomprehensible electoral system that rewards…

Tomás Hirsch: a revolutionary constitution for Chile and for all humanity

On 4 September, Chile will vote to approve the text of the new Constitution. This historic event is largely ignored or little followed by the media, especially the European media. We spoke about it with Tomás Hirsch, Deputy Hirsch of…

Lorena Corrias: “I don’t want to live in a world without Julian Assange”.

Every Saturday since 6 August, Lorena Corrias has been sitting in Como’s Piazza Verdi in an imaginary cell measuring two by three metres drawn on the ground, dressed in the orange uniform of the Guantanamo prisoners, in a non-violent protest…

Noam Chomsky: Assange’s extradition is a major crime

Thanks to the support of Gerardo Femina of Europe for Peace, we were able to ask some questions to Noam Chomsky, who has already written so much about the Assange case, following it closely and fighting for the freedom of…

Valeria Emmi (Cesvi): violent conflicts are the main cause of hunger in the world

Faced with the worrying trend of the recovery of the problem of hunger in the world we asked some questions to Valeria Emmi of CESVI (see bio at the bottom of the interview), in an attempt to better understand and…

Open Letter to the States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty on the Need to Impose a Comprehensive Two-Way Arms Embargo on Israel

We, the undersigned global coalition of leaders –from civil society to academia, art, media, business, politics, indigenous and faith communities, and people of conscience around the world– call upon the States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) to act…

Interview with Manon Aubry: “Global health cannot be considered as a market”

The European Parliament approved by 293 votes to 284 an amendment in which “the EU is invited to support the initiative presented by India and South Africa at the World Trade Organisation, which calls for a temporary suspension of intellectual…

A free press up to the times

May 3 is International Press Freedom Day. On this day we are used to recalling the fact that, in many places around the world, freedom of the press is violated, journalists are murdered or intimidated and the critical press sidelined…

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