Partido Humanista de Chile

In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king (or begs to be excused)

The evaluation of the Chilean governments of the Concertación with results of a rich society with a per capita that reached 25,000 dollars and inequality with 50% of workers and retirees living with incomes that do not cover the expenses…

Approve to reform

The rules of “democratic” functioning that the current Pinochetista constitution illegitimately imposed, left the citizen reduced for decades to a mere entity that suffers, without having a greater participation in the political, social and economic development of the Nation. This…

Feminist and lesbian elected as new President of the Chilean Humanist Party

Natalia Ibáñez Donoso will lead the process of re-founding the Humanist Party in Chile. In an internal vote carried out by the Humanist Party militancy, Natalia Ibañez Donoso, a 34-year-old feminist and lesbian, was elected as the new President of…

Approval of the law of general pardon demanded by humanist feminists

In the framework of the 3rd National Meeting of Women in Politics of the Humanist Party, around 60 women militants and from social and territorial organisations gathered in the Park of Study and Reflection El Remanso, located in Sagrada Familia,…

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