Pía Figueroa

Co-Director of Pressenza, life-long humanist, author of several monographs and books.

Emanuela Widmar

I met her in Rome and we always saw each other there, except on the very few occasions when we met in her beautiful house in Attigliano. She was a luminous, amusing, friendly, funny and direct friend, a person you…

“Make yourselves comfortable, making yourselves uncomfortable”: Gabriel Boric

With these words he began today by welcoming us foreign correspondents to the first press conference held by Gabriel Boric in his capacity as President. He defined the role of the press as those who are able to make power…

Godi Gutierrez

I met him very young, on a street corner in Makati, a neighbourhood in Manila, Philippines. I immediately felt a deep connection with him. Perhaps it was his sense of humour, or the refined aesthetic quest in everything he did,…

Interview with Tomás Hirsch: “I experience this new moment as the year of hope”.

We are ending 2021, it is the last day already, and the world is still in its second year of pandemic and very probably during 2022 this context of global pandemic will be prolonged even more – worldwide. We wanted…

Overcoming the old with the new: Chile’s ballot box

When a new generation takes charge of the process of a country, when it resolves to enter politics despite the enormous institutional crisis, when it creates its own parties as new tools that no longer respond to the ideologies of…

COP26: Conclusions of the Intercultural Dialogue on Climate Change Delivered

The conclusions of the Intercultural Dialogue between Indigenous Peoples and Abya Yala governments on Climate Change were delivered today by the Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean (FILAC) and the Presidency of COP25,…

“Time to say enough is enough”: Guterres at the opening of COP26

“Enough of mistreating biodiversity. No more treating nature like a toilet. Stop burning, drilling and mining deeper. We are digging our own grave,” warned the UN Secretary General as he opened COP26 to leaders of more than 120 nations gathered…

“This is a very paradoxical stage”, interview with Tomás Hirsch

We spoke with Tomás Hirsch, Member of Parliament for Acción Humanista, who is about to go to the polls again, seeking re-election on November 21st for the District where he has worked for the last four years: Peñalolén, La Reina,…

Interview with Leopoldina Fortunati

We wanted to interview Italian writer Leopoldina Fortunati, a renowned theorist and writer, Sociology academic at the University of Udine, feminist activist and member of Potere Operaio and one of the main referents of the current of autonomous feminism, as…

World Organization for Peace appoints Chilean actress Paulina Hunt as Ambassador for Peace

We interviewed the renowned Chilean actress and playwright Paulina Hunt on the occasion of her recent appointment as Ambassador for Peace by the World Organization for Peace, given that her trajectory has contributed notably to the advancement of non-violence and…

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