Pressenza Athens

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Athens, Greece

War through the media and the role of journalism

Written from the perspective of a journalist who covered wars for 30 years in Latin America, the Balkans, the Middle East and Asia, the book “Truth is Bombed. Media and War through the eyes of a war correspondent” is an experiential…

Demonstration in Athens against high prices

Energy poverty and increases in the prices of basic goods, as well as the need for more structural measures, such as the nationalization of the Public Power Corporation and the abolition of the energy exchange trade, were the reasons and…

We are in love with the non-existent.

41 years ago, the UN General Assembly established September 21st, as the International Day of Peace. However, looking a little bit at international history and how it has evolved to this day, it is difficult to discern a day around…

The City of Thessaloniki took a stand! (and it’s not the only one…)

About a month ago, the Municipal Council of Thessaloniki, in its regular meeting, took an important – among others – decision. That of supporting the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). It adopted the call of the International…

Interview with Sophia Sakorafa on NATO, Greece’s position and her resignation from the Greek Parliamentary Arms Committee

Last Monday, July 4th, the Deputy President of the Greek Parliament and MP of MeRA25 (greek DiEM25), Sophia Sakorafa, published a statement on social media about her resignation from the Greek Parliamentary Arms Committee, blaming the procedure that is systematically…

27 municipalities in Greece say no to nuclear weapons.

The number of municipalities in Greece that support the “World Without Wars and Violence” #σώσετηνπόλη (#SaveTheCity) initiative and the call of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), urging the Greek Government to sign and ratify the Treaty on…

Progressive International: The Athens Declaration

Today, 13/5/2022, three members of the Progressive International, Jeremy Corbyn, Ece Temelkuran and Yanis Varoufakis, called a press conference to make public the Athens Declaration on the Russian invasion and the war in Ukraine. Here is the text: The War…

Nikos Stergiou: We have the opportunity to revive the anti-nuclear movement in Greece

On the occasion of the campaign against nuclear weapons #SaveTheCity we talk to Nikos Stergios, President and founding member of the Greek office of the organization World Without Wars and Violence. We know that World Without Wars and Violence has…

Greece, Municipality of Gavdos supports TIAN Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty

Gavdos, the southernmost municipality in Europe, responds to the Greek government’s call to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons TIAN. By Decision 21/2022, the City Council of the Municipality of Gavdos unanimously decided to: To…

We will be forced to become globally conscious if we do not want to become extinct as a species.

The Global Call to Action Against Poverty organised an international discussion on the state of the world’s access to health technologies to address the pandemic. The following is a statement by Marianella Kloka (member of pressenza’s greek editorial team). Hello…

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