Pressenza Athens

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Athens, Greece

Designing pharmaceuticals for people – not for profit [video]

The production of medicines and vaccines as well as the massive public investments in underlying research is largely left in the hands of a profit-seeking private sector, despite the vital importance of public health, Why do covid-19 vaccines belong to…

The WWF addresses (Greek) Members of Parliament concerning the National Recovery Plan

By means of a detailed presentation to the parliamentarians, the environmental organization WWF Hellas raises a number of serious issues concerning the National Recovery & Resilience Plan which are important to be raised during the relevant discussion. On the process,…

Initiative Against Authoritarianism in Greece

We are migrants from Greece. We are those who were forced to leave our country or cannot return, because of the financial crisis brought upon us by the memoranda agreements. The political developments in Greece and the intensifying state and…

We support two European Citizens’ Initiatives: Basic Income and No Profit on Pandemic

The European Commission has several technocratic ways of consulting with EU citizens. It also has several ways, again technocratically, to apply pressure to have certain issues (which citizens believe are not being adequately acted upon) discussed and on which a…

Women who Build the Future: Alexia Tsouni

Started on March 8, International Women’s Day, Pressenza is publishing a series of video interviews entitled “Women who build the future, Towards a nonviolent culture ”. In this interview Marianella Kloka speaks with Alexia Tsouni from Greece. Alexia is an activist…

International arms transfers level off after years of sharp growth; Middle Eastern arms imports grow most, says SIPRI

International transfers of major arms stayed at the same level between 2011–15 and 2016–20. Substantial increases in transfers by three of the top five arms exporters—the USA, France and Germany—were largely offset by declining Russian and Chinese arms exports. Middle…

The Athens Bar Association condemns the instances of police violence – demands speedy accountability

The Athens Bar Association expresses its strong disgust for the instances of exceeding the legal boundaries of police violence against citizens, among them lawyers, that we witnessed in the center of Athens (on 6 March 2021) and in Nea Smyrni…

Vaccines: European Citizens’ Initiative for lifting patents reaches first 100.000 threshold

The European Citizens’ Initiative ‘Right to Cure’, a coalition of over 200 European civil society organizations from 14 European countries, reached a first threshold of 100.000 signatures today. The aim of the initiative is to push a legislative proposal to…

Bregman – Harari on Today’s Challenges

These are two of the brightest minds of our time in life. Both historians, with a particularly optimistic but also subversive perspective, have written books that became best-sellers overnight and are translated into many languages. The Dutch Rutger Bregman and…

Thousands of Students Demonstrate Against the Education Bill

Text/photos: Chrysoula Patsou There was a strong presence, thousands of students in more than ten cities in Greece in response to the tremendous changes which are coming to universities and to secondary education – with a change in the rules…

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