Pressenza IPA

News from Pressenza IPA correspondents

Pressenza Renews Itself: a New Design for Better Communication

From Friday to Saturday we will be launching the new Pressenza website. Journalism for peace and non-violence is renewing its website with a new design, reordering the sections and giving more prominence to opinion, interviews and analysis, as well as…

Cassava in Massive Production in Zambia (Camaproza).

Alleviating hunger and poverty, overcoming malnutrition in Zambia and Africa. By Miniver Chalwe Miniver, is creating a platform where cassava, abandoned crops, and fruits, can be processed, and grown. Introduced to farmers and households, this project teaches them how to,…

Poetry Community as a Well of Ginhawa (Well-being) in these Pandemic Times

TALK/PRESENTATION   My talk can be summed up in three things: First, the context and my experience during this pandemic time. Second, the Well of Ginhawa, and its related metaphors. And third, how I started and built this poetry community.…

Two Hearts on A Death

POEMS by Erlie Lopez   #1.Yellow Bursts Yellow is the color of sorrow: the ribbons tied around trees, the shirts and pins from seasons of arduous street protests. Yellow is the color of love: lovely flowers around the urn, the…

Winged Lovers of the Light

POEM by Perfecto “Boyet” Caparas   Waves Surging Splashing bathing our souls Naked With lights fragrance Of flowers Of gentleness and bliss   Waves of tenderness Engulfing Two naked souls Holding each other in tight Embrace As we my dear…

A Guaranteed Income Can Increase Workers’ Bargaining Power

Basic income schemes are no silver bullet to make up for the loss of well-paid union jobs. But they can allow workers say no to the most thankless, low-wage work — and provide a platform from which to rebuild our…

Antonio Carvallo’s Interview for Pressenza

Antonio Carvallo’s interview done for the opening of Pressenza’s International  meeting in June 2021. The discussion was conducted by Nelsy Lizarazo and  translated simultaneously in 6 languages. Nelsy Lizarazo is a co-director at Pressenza and Colombian, living in Quito, Ecuador.…

Stop Environmental Plunder, Start Ecosystem Restoration: Lingap-Canada Celebrates 2021 World Environment Day

SPECIAL FEATURE         By Genevieve Balance Kupang    Dagami Daytoy exposed the problems experienced by the locals due to the impact of the Didipio Mine in Nueva Viscaya, Philippines. Documentary Film Credit:  Noni Abao  “Ecosystem Restoration” is this…

Commemorating World Environment Day: In Support of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

ACRYLIC PAINTINGS/POEM         By Lily Ramos Burrows and Genevieve Balance Kupang This commemoration of World Environment Day extends beyond June 5. The care for our common home is a daily commitment we ought to uphold. All global…

The black identity and racism

ESSAY         by Dr. Emmanuel Sogah Introduction Table 1 – US Census Racial & Ethnic Categorization System All over the world, native Africans and People of African Descent (PAD) or people of dark skin complexion are identified…

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