Pressenza IPA

News from Pressenza IPA correspondents

Interview with Luca DiMatteo: Author of Green Haven

INTERVIEW         by Jhon Sanchez Even though I met Luca two or three years ago, it seems that it has been for a longer time. My friend Justin Sight, the magician, kept talking about Luca’s spiritual search…

Holy Week in the Philippines: An Enduring Christian/FolkTradition

FEATURE       Writeup by Erlie Lopez/Photography by Orlando V Sionosa Jr. The Holy Week ending today in the whole Christendom speaks volumes on Filipinos. Until the surge in Covid-19 cases in the country necessitated strict restrictions on mass…

Keeping the cultural heritage of Northern Kankanaey traditional potters alive

INDIGENOUS CRAFTS AND CULTURE         by Genevieve Balance-Kupang “To be rooted is perhaps one of the most important and least recognized needs of the human soul.” -Simon Weil (1987:41) Rootedness in one’s cultural heritage: Dayaw di I-Bila…

Interview with Professor Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and chair of the Nobel Women’s Initiative

“We need to focus on human security for sustainable peace” Landmines are among the most insidious and cruel weapons of all, because they do not distinguish between armed soldiers, civilians or even children. According to the Landmine Monitor 2020, explosive…

Bill Gates’ Global Agenda and How We Can Resist His War on Life

In March 2015, Bill Gates showed an image of the coronavirus during a TED Talk and told the audience that it was what the greatest catastrophe of our time would look like. The real threat to life, he said, is…

Report from the Place Where We Do Not Die

TESTIMONY           “We do not die…!” This was what, in astonished recognition, I told myself one day more than twenty years ago, when I stumbled without warning into the Place Where We Do Not Die. I…


POEM           by Erlie A. Lopez Between two words is a space where a thought tarries.   Between two lips is a silence where a hurt lingers.   Between two minds is a gap where each…


POEM         by Rem Tanauan I’m about to hail a jeepney when I suddenly remember I’m not wearing a mask. I cannot travel with face fully exposed to the public. I did not intend it, I just…


POEM           I know all too well that living often seems to bring nothing but grief. Nevertheless on this extraordinary day I give thanks, and thanks, and more thanks because somehow for no reason at all…

Top PH plastic polluters revealed: Green groups renew call to ban SUPs

19 March 2021 – Members of the #BreakFreeFromPlastic movement today renewed the call for the government to impose a nationwide ban on single-use plastics to mandate corporations to end dependence on single-use plastics. The call came following the release of…

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