Pressenza IPA

News from Pressenza IPA correspondents

the EARTH is red

POEM         by Rosalinda Maog the EARTH is red the earth is heart the heart is earth the earth is body seems, only on earth can growth be found In what we awaken to at birth breathe,…

Sacred Spaces

VISUAL ARTS: PHOTOGRAPHY         Photographs by Boldy Tapales/Text by Karina Santillan Sometimes, you enter a place, and somehow you are imbued with a feeling, a sensibility, an experience that you have penetrated a space you could call…

Wherever you look back

POEM       by Rem Tanauan WHEREVER YOU LOOK BACK, there’s haiku. In fact, it’s there in the moss on the wall blessed by rain. In the fallen jasmin, like an upturned umbrella on a grimy road. In the…

What is it Like to be Trapped in a Desert Jail For 20 Years? The Oufkir Family Story

BOOK REVIEW            Stolen Lives by Malika Oufkir  Book Review by Mona Gonzalez I read Stolen Lives twice. The first time, I couldn’t put it down because it was just shocking. The second time I read…

Art Exhibit at the Giant Dwarf Art Space, Angono, Rizal

VISUAL ARTS         by Saki (Ishak Binudin) As a phenomenon of life, regeneration takes on different forms, captured by the diverse paintings and artworks presented by five artists of different generations, using different aesthetic techniques and approaches.…

New Study: Zero Waste Systems Could Create Thousands of Good Jobs for Cities Around the World 

Zero Waste Found to Be a Key Strategy to Build Strong, Sustainable Economies 17 February 2021– A new study from GAIA finds that cities that invest in Zero Waste programs and policies create good green jobs, in addition to known benefits…

Beyond Lake Sebu: Blaans’ rich indigenous dreamwoven tabih and its master weaver, rituals, dances, homestays, at Blaan Wellness and Tribal Village

INDIGENOUS CULTURE/NARRATIVE         Narrative by Claire Madarang I have always associated South Cotabato, a province in the Philippines with the serene Lake Sebu and the dreamweaving T’boli indigenous people and their masterpiece, the t’nalak. South Cotabato is…

The Girl Who Found Her Ancestors

TALE         by Liz Medina There was once a little girl born on a faraway island kingdom, in a small hut, all by herself. No one could tell her who her parents were. In fact, no one in…

Sun: A first offering of the year

POEM       This was the first poem of 2021 that whispered to me, upon seeing this photograph by Aze. A photograph she sent on New Year’s day with a New Year wish for everyone. SUN by Rem Tanauan…

Assange Verdict, ‘Severe Blow to Press Freedom’: Chomsky

Though WikiLeaks founder will not be extradited to the U.S., the America-led war on the press goes on. In an exclusive interview with Brazilian journalist Edu Montesanti, Chomsky strongly opposes Washington’s accusation, that the Australian journalist poses a threat to…

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