Pressenza IPA

News from Pressenza IPA correspondents

De-Escalate the Conflict In Ukraine

In Solidarity with Ukrainian & Russian Citizens who Do Not like War and a Prayer of Conversion for Those in Power in Russia  On Sustainable Peace To live harmoniously and peacefully alongside each other despite our differences is the way. Joining…

No to war: Thousands of people around the world stand in solidarity with Ukraine

Russians or Japanese. Norwegian or Burmese. Just seeing the images of men and women going out into the streets peacefully to protest the invasion of Ukraine shows that, peace not war, is what people want. Not to mention the thousands…

War is a disaster. Let’s build peace

The conflict situation in Ukraine, which affects a population already marked by years of suffering, has reached a breaking point and the risk of a war without winners and losers is becoming more tangible and real. With every hour that…

Stand with the Ukraine

The alliance Stand with Ukraine calls for worldwide demonstrations for Peace in Ukraine and Europe. „We are uniting against Putin’s invasion and violence, in support of the people in Ukraine. We are coming from all places and all backgrounds in…

Antonio Carvallo Interview Dr Vinya Ariyaratne

Pressenza Interview with Dr Vinya Ariyaratne, President of Sarvodaya the largest NGO in Sri Lanka reaching with their message of compassion and nonviolence over 15000 villages in the country. Transcript: I am Antonio Carvallo editor of presence and member of…

SKM, Sanyukt Kisan Morcha, spreads its influence to the state of Maharashtra

On the birth anniversary of respected ShivaJi Maharaj, the Humanists met at Khandala, near Mumbai, India to launch the Manavatavadi Kisan Manch (Humanist Farmers Platform) and had two days of deliberations to chalk out the next program of its spread…

Greenpeace, PH youth to election candidates: Commit to ‘love’ for country by supporting calls for climate, environmental justice 

2022 will be a critical year for the Philippines as it holds national elections to determine the next leaders of the land, as well as a crucial window for climate action. The youth, which comprises 52% of the total voting…

About the Burqa, Hijab and Muslim Girls

Islam asks its followers, both men and women, to dress modestly. Nudity is not allowed for either sex.  The only difference in dressing between men and women, as dictated by religion, is that women are specifically asked to cover their…

Inside the World Humanist Forum-Asia: A secular Muslim advocate from India speaks

Once a week, representatives of member organizations who are part of the WHF-Asia meet to interchange and connect with one another. In this report, we share the introduction done by Dr. Shamsuddin Tamboli from Muslim Satyashodhak Mandal. The Muslim SatyaShodhak…

A Canticle at Dawn

POEM     by Agnes Prieto   From what distant time or place What spaces In my heart And in my soul A door awaited.   Silver time locks the door Hides the answer, Memory blocked Obscure Diffused.   Yet…

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