Rafael De La Rubia

Spanish Humanist. Founder of the Organization World without Wars and Violence and spokesperson of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence theworldmarch.org

Launching of the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence in Costa Rica

As we had stated in Madrid, at the end of the 2nd WM, that today 2/10/2022 we would announce the place for the beginning/end of the 3rd WM. Several countries such as Nepal, Canada and Costa Rica had informally expressed…

World without war: A life-giving initiative

The origins of the humanist organisation “World without Wars and Violence” (MSGySV) were in Moscow after the dissolution of the USSR. Rafael de la Rubia, its founder, lived there in 1993. One of the first supporters of the organisation was…

Growing hope for humanity: 65 countries in Vienna say no to atomic weapons in TPNW declaration

In Vienna, a total of 65 countries with many others as observers and a large number of civil organisations, on Thursday 24 June and for three days, aligned themselves in the face of the threat of the use of atomic…

No more wars and a ban on nuclear weapons

Who is responsible for the conflict? It is not known how many Ukrainians have died, nor how many young Russians were forced to fight. Looking at the pictures, it will be in the thousands, if we add the physically disabled,…

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