Raúl Allain

(Lima, 1989) Escritor, poeta, editor y sociólogo. Estudió en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM). Actualmente preside el Instituto Peruano de la Juventud (IPJ) y dirige el sello independiente Río Negro. En septiembre del 2019 recibió el "Premio mundial el Águila Internacional a la excelencia sociológica" por parte de la Unión Hispanomundial de Escritores (UHE). Consultor internacional de la Asociación de Víctimas de Acoso Organizado y Tortura Electrónica (VIACTEC).

Peru: Democracy and the dismissal of the government

Representatives of the opposition bench in the Peruvian Congress have openly called for the impeachment of the President of Peru, José Pedro Castillo Terrones, on the grounds that he is permanently morally unfit to govern and is causing political instability…

Old and new social paradigms

Information and communication technologies are leading society into a new paradigm of coexistence, where the virtual is gaining ground every day in all daily activities, including science, politics, e-commerce, tele-education and all the systems of mass persuasion never seen before.…

Peru: Mysticism and religiosity in Lima

In the Lima of “all bloods”, where the most cosmopolitan trends coexist with popular and religious traditions rooted in the heritage of our pre-Hispanic ancestors, there is a transversal component to the lives of the people of Lima: religiosity, always…

Denouncing technological servility

Aldous Huxley proposed half a century ago: “The essence of psychological coercion is that those who act under its effect have the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. The victim of mental manipulation does not know that…

[Peru] Feminicide and Criminal Policy

In Peru there is no defined policy against feminicide. The figures are alarming. During the year 2020, 138 cases of women murdered by their own husbands, cohabitants or partners were registered. So far in 2021, 47 cases of feminicides have…

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