Redacción Bolivia

News published by the Pressenza bureau in Bolivia

The future of indigenous languages in our hands

All the languages bequeathed to us by the American First Nations are under threat, some more than others. In Spanish-speaking America, the overwhelming hegemony of Spanish and the monistic and homogenising vision of the states and their policies have historically…

Ibero-American Institute of Indigenous Languages launched in Bolivia

The Ibero-American Institute of Indigenous Languages (IIALI) began its activities today with the aim of confronting the threats that threaten the more than 550 indigenous languages still spoken in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as to promote their…

When “MAS” becomes less

By Rafael Bautista S.* An unjust and even useless war has been unleashed (against Vice President David Choquehuanca), because what it will provoke is not even to put an end to the supposed “competence” of the “sole leader”, but rather…

Evo Morales presents RUNASUR’s Decalogue for Plurinational America

The former President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, today presented the RUNASUR’s Decalogue, as a set of guiding principles for this mechanism of plurinational integration between indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants, social organisations, trade unions, territorial and social movements in the region. RUNASUR,…

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