Redacción Chile

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Chile

State of emergency – What course do we follow?

What is the price we must pay for the recognition and respect of our human rights or for the return of our territories, the price is death, as we can see today, with the murder by the police and the…

Ulema-state alliance hinders democracy and development in the Muslim world

In September 2021, Turkey House was inaugurated in New York with a high-level state ceremony that included the presence of President Tayyip Erdogan. The ceremony began with a prayer recited by Turkey’s top Islamic cleric: the chairman of the Directorate…

The Museum of Memory and Human Rights presents the book “Muros que hablan” (“Walls that Speak”)

Pressenza’s production was donated to the Museum of Memory and Human Rights “as a way of leaving historical evidence that this social awakening did indeed take place and was not just a fleeting dream, a passing inspiration, an artistic outburst…

Two Mapuche community members shot dead by the military in Cañete

Machi Francisca Linconao called on President Piñera after the death of two community members: “He should withdraw his carabineros and the military”. The conventional constituent criticised the state of emergency in the southern macrozone and called on the president to…

Malucha Pinto: Second anniversary of the popular revolt

We lost eyes, we were persecuted, assassinated, tortured… raped. There are still young people imprisoned in dark jails without charges and we continue to demand their freedom. Once again, as so many times before. The underground waters of Chile shudder…

Reflection on the process of modifying the Organic Statutes at the University of Santiago de Chile

Written presentation to the Academic Council of the USACh, in extraordinary session of 06/10/2021 by Bruno Jerardino Wiesenborn, in his capacity as elected representative of Professors by Class Hours before the CTEO – USACh. The intervention was restricted to 10…

Chile. “If there is gas collusion, then distribution should be done by a public company”: Sector workers

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), as well as Natural Gas (NG) is imported to Chile mainly from Argentina and the United States through the sea. It arrives in the country at two regasification plants: the one in Quintero and the one…

Chile. Australia’s role in the 1973 coup d’état and the case of DINA agent Adriana Rivas

Interview with Chilean-Australian journalist Rodrigo Acuña In a letter to the Australian Government dated 17 September 2021, a group of members of the Chilean community in Australia expressed their human rights concerns following the publication by the National Security Archive…

Latin American and Caribbean forests are key to environmental sustainability and global food security

The Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission highlighted the strategic role of regional forests in improving livelihoods, countering climate change and halting biodiversity loss. The need to move towards more sustainable and resilient forest promotion and management, addressing the impacts…

My truth. Open letter from Diego Ancalao Gavilán to the diverse peoples of Chile

1.- Introduction. Silently processing the hard moment. Throughout these difficult days, and until today that I write this letter, I had decided to process in silence and in deep reflection, the circumstances of my frustrated presidential candidacy. This decision goes…

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