Redacción Venezuela

News published by the Pressenza bureau in Venezuela

The “strategic stalemate” between the United States and China

Following Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, many opinions were raised about what China could and should do in response. Last week we reviewed some of the actions that readers sent me as a conclusion to their own reflections. Many of…

Nancy Pelosi’s miracle

The visit of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and the provocation to China that it entails can only be interpreted as one more action in the escalation of tensions that Washington wants to generate in…

Either we will all be saved or we will all disappear equally! That, is the dilema

Following the recent strategy decided by NATO at its Madrid Summit, which states that China “challenges its interests, security and values”, and that Russia is “the most significant and direct threat” to its interests, the world is moving very quickly…

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