Redazione Italia

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Italy

Photos from the marathon for Julian Assange

In this photo report we report on the photos that participants in 24hAssange, the marathon for the freedom of Julian Assange, are sending from all over the planet. The article is constantly updated. Send your photos to specifying the…

A 24 hour marathon for Assange, rich and varied

The 24 hour Marathon for Julian Assange scheduled for 15 October is only a few days away and the response from activists, film-makers, musicians, poets, painters, journalists and political leaders is enthusiastic. A clear sign that many people around the…

Human Chain for Julian Assange in his hometown of Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne SOS Stand up 4 Assange – Human Chain of Assange supporters stretching from Princes Bridge at Flinders St Station to the Arts Centre, along the Yarra River, back across Evan Walker pedestrian bridge Southbank and circling back to Princes Bridge. Julian Assange’s father and…

Assange supporters call for ‘Truth not War’ on UN Peace Day

Calls of ‘Truth not War’ can be heard around the globe this week as supporters of the world’s most famous political prisoner, Australian journalist Julian Assange, rally for his immediate release by the 21st anniversary of the United Nations International Day of Peace (21 Sept…

Save Julian Assange, Join The Wikileaks Revolution. Event in Manchester, UK

The 24 hour marathon for Julian Assange on October 15 is approaching, and as you can see from the map on the site, initiatives are multiplying. Activists and groups of all kinds are working to organize different events according to…

24 hour for Assange

Pressenza is promoting, together with numerous entities, a 24-hour global marathon for Julian Assange’s freedom. ————– Julian Assange is the man, the journalist, who dared to expose U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq and the criminals responsible. Julian Assange has, ever…

6th AUGUST 2022 Nuclear Ban, Sow Peace, Let’s build the future together

On August 6, 1945, the nuclear bomb that destroyed the Japanese city of Hiroshima was dropped, on August 9 the disaster was repeated on Nagasaki. These dates will remain forever in human history as dark days, absolute evil that we…

Narek and the Nagorno Karabakh War

In his now classic “The Clash of Civilizations”, Samuel Huntington foresaw in the post-Cold War period a series of potentially explosive conflicts based no longer on the opposition between ideologies, but rather on the opposition between civilizations; the identity factor,…

Enough! War is madness. 20,000 people at the Perugia-Assisi March

20,000 participants. 156 municipalities, provinces and regions, 53 schools, 88 national associations, 359 local associations. Rectors from dozens of universities, mayors, students, activists and well-known names such as Alex Zanotelli, Gherardo Colombo, Flavio Lotti and Beppe Giulietti spoke from the…

Assange’s case erupts at the Perugia Journalism Festival

From the stage Stella Morris, Julian Assange’s wife, and the investigative journalist Stefania Maurizi will urge the journalists present to defend the founder of Wikileaks. While outside the hall, a group of FREE ASSANGE Italia activists will tell journalists that…

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