Riccardo Petrella

Doctor of Political and Social Sciences, honorary degree from eight universities: in Sweden, Denmark, Belgium (x2), Canada, France (x2), Argentina. Professor emeritus of the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium); President of the Institut Europeen de Recherche sur la Politique de l'Eau (IERPE) in Brussels (www.ierpe.eu); President of the "University of the Common Good" (UBC), a non-profit association active in Antwerp (Belgium) and Sezano (VR-Italy) From 1978 to 1994 he headed the department FAST, Forecasting and Assessment in Science and Technology at the Commission of the European Communities in Brussels and in 2005-2006 he was President of the Apulian Aqueduct. He is the author of numerous books on economics and common goods.

My Name Is ARMFIN. I Am the God of Total Power

I am working these days on the global war in Ukraine and the financialisation of water and nature on a global scale. The freewheeling text below has emerged as a ‘side effect’.. RP Who I am. I come from distant,…

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