Robert Hunziker

MA, economic history DePaul University, awarded membership in Pi Gamma Mu International Academic Honor Society in Social Sciences is a freelance writer and environmental journalist who has over 200 articles published, including several translated into foreign languages, appearing in over 50 journals, magazines, and sites worldwide. He has been interviewed on numerous FM radio programs, as well as television.

Surging Methane

A mysterious uptick in atmospheric methane (CH4) was first detected 15 years ago. Of major concern, CH4 is a potent greenhouse gas that’s ~80 times greater than CO2. It’s like a turbo-charged booster heating up the planet. It is a…

Monumental Plans to Fix the Planet

When Congress directs the White House Office of Science and Technology (OSTP) to coordinate with other relevant federal agencies to research a five-year scientific assessment of solar and other rapid climate interventions, it’s only too apparent that the highest levels…

Kiss the Amazon Goodbye?

The ecosystems of the world that support life, like Brazil’s Amazon rainforest, have an incompatible relationship with far-right governments, like the United States under Trump, who took a baseball bat to the EPA.  According to Christine Todd Whitman, who headed…

CO2 Removal?

Last year, worldwide energy-related CO2 topped 36B tons. That’s a new world record. “Carbon dioxide removal is essential to achieve net-zero [greenhouse-gas emissions],” Diána Ürge-Vorsatz, vice-chair of the working group that produced the nearly 3,000-page UN climate panel report. (Source:…

Polar Scientist Explains Peril of Thwaites

Ted Scambos, a polar scientist with 20 trips to Antarctica under his belt, makes a living trekking across glaciers, measuring the speed, thickness, and structure of ice. Dr. Scambos (University of Colorado/Boulder) recently penned an article: Ice World: Antarctica’s Riskiest…

John Kerry’s Global Fix-it Campaign

“I’m absolutely convinced we will get a low-carbon, no-carbon economy at some point in time. The challenge is will we get there in time to heed the warnings of the scientists and avoid the worst consequences of the crisis?” (John…

Climate Change Wows the Polls

Australia’s federal election on May 18th turned left with a new power broker named climate change. Major networks refer to the election as: “Australia’s Climate Election,” with newly elected Prime Minister Anthony Albanese vowing to turn Australia into a “renewable…

India: Birds Drop Out of the Sky, People Die

In case you have lingering doubts about the reality of human-caused global warming, hop on an airplane to parts of India or Pakistan and spend a few days. And, as long as you’re there, maybe be a good citizen and…

Adapting to Drought

America’s western metropolises are thriving in the midst of the fiercest drought in over 1,000 years. Not all climate change/global warming news is negative. Positive pushback to global warming is real and happening right under our collective noses. Still, climate…

Japan’s Toxic Dumping Faces Growing Protests

The Japanese government’s decision one year ago to dump radioactive water from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant storage tanks into the Pacific Ocean, starting in the spring of 2023, is facing increasing pressure to back off, especially in light of…

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