Roberto Pizarro

Undersecretary Ahumada in the right-wing crosshairs

The persistent attacks by the right wing and those in power against the Undersecretary of International Economic Relations (Serei) are signs of desperation. They are hurt that José Miguel Ahumada, in his outstanding academic work, has criticised the limits set…

Democratic constitution, guaranteed rights and an active state

The Constitutional Convention has fulfilled its task. It opened the doors of democracy, allowing women and men in parity, native peoples, young people, representatives of the regions and those who had never participated in the country’s decisions, to deliberate in…

The replacement generation

The young people who mobilised on 18-O have given new hope to society. They were able to bring together a large majority of people who had previously been absent from political life. They are those who are now in government…

The new constitution is full democracy

The transition from military rule to democracy has proved a failure. The majority of society no longer believes that growth and welfare are the solutions to economic and social ills, nor that the current political institutions are the paradigm of…

Chile: The Constituent Assembly paves the way for a new development model

Last Saturday, May 7, the Constitutional Convention (CC) approved the norms that configure a new type of State in the economic-productive sphere, which opens the way to the construction of a development model that could put an end to neoliberalism.…

People’s rights in the new Chilean Constitution

First generation human rights refer to freedom and citizen participation in political life. They serve to protect the individual from the excesses of the state and include freedom of expression, the right to a fair trial, freedom of religion and…

The Constituent Assembly. The ghost that haunts Warnken

I appreciated Cristián Warnken and his “Belleza de Pensar”, when he devoted his time to literary interviews. I can’t say the same now that he has turned to politics. His yellow effort, which brings together those upset by the transformations…

Article 1 of the new Chilean Constitution

(Graphic) State COM 2 > CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES, DEMOCRACY, NATIONALITY AND CITIZENSHIP ARTICLE 1 – Chile is a social and democratic State governed by the rule of law. It is plurinational, intercultural and ecological. It is constituted as a Republic based…

President Boric: let hope become reality

Thirty years have passed and, although the dictatorship ended, the political class, of all stripes, made no substantive efforts to democratise politics or to modify the economic model of injustices and abuses installed by Pinochet and the Chicago Boys. This…

Boric’s government and international priorities

Foreign policy does not have an autonomous purpose, but is a substantive component of any development strategy. The type of external openness that has characterised our country in the last forty years has been consistent with the productive model of…

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