With its first channel launched in December 2005, the RT network now consists of three global news channels broadcasting in English, Spanish and Arabic, RT America broadcasting from a Washington, DC studio, RT UK airing from London, and a documentary channel RTDoc – in English and Russian. Today RT has a global reach of over 700 million people in 100+ countries. Articles and photographs by RT on Pressenza do not fall under the Creative Commons license are are not reproducible in any way. RT news covers the major issues of our time for viewers wishing to question more and delivers stories often missed by the mainstream media to create news with an edge. RT provides an alternative perspective on major global events, and acquaints an international audience with the Russian viewpoint. rt.com

Dutch court REINSTATES coronavirus curfew in break-neck reversal of earlier order to end ‘illegitimate’ policy

A Dutch appeals court has revived the country’s Covid-19 curfew just moments before it came into effect, overturning a ruling handed down hours earlier ordering the government to lift the “illegitimate” measure immediately. A three-judge appellate panel granted an emergency…

‘Euro-speak’: Attempt by German-led EU to monopolise European identity & values is fuelling animosity & destabilising continent

By Glenn Diesen, a Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway, and an editor at the Russia in Global Affairs journal. Follow him on Twitter @glenndiesen. Europe’s three largest cities lie outside the European Union, or four if you count Istanbul, and…

As more than a dozen foreign diplomats attend Navalny trial, West must resist temptation to interfere in Russian affairs – Kremlin

Russian officials have expressed concern over the potential for foreign interference in the trial of jailed opposition figure Alexey Navalny, after Western diplomats arrived en masse at his hearing on Tuesday. A video taken outside Moscow City Court, where the…

Moscow police detain Navalny supporters staging unsanctioned rally to demand release of jailed opposition figure

Protestors who have taken to the streets of Moscow on Saturday to demand the release of prominent activist Alexey Navalny have been confronted by law enforcement officers, apparently determined to break up the unsanctioned rally. Hundreds of people have gathered…

UK and Spain reach last-minute agreement on Gibraltar border, before Brexit kicks in

Britain and Spain have reached an agreement on their border at Gibraltar, according to Spanish Foreign Minister Arancha Gonzalez Laya. The agreement will see the rocky peninsula join the EU’s Schengen zone. With the UK’s post-Brexit relationship with the European…

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