Conscientes de nuestro rol de apoyo y acompañamiento operamos como una agencia de noticias y elaboramos notas informativas, informes especiales, entrevistas y producciones de audio y vídeo, relacionadas al acontecer indígena y ambiental nacional y mundial.

Attempts to remove protection for peoples in isolation rejected

Backed by Aidesep, indigenous organisations Orpio, Orau and Corpiaa expressed their rejection of attempts to remove protection from peoples in isolation and to exploit their intangible territories. Indigenous organisations in the country categorically rejected the initiative of the Regional Government…

Chile: Constitutional Convention approves indigenous consent in consultation process

The provision requires indigenous peoples to be consulted and, in addition, to give free, prior and informed consent in decisions that affect them. The plenary of Chile’s Constitutional Convention approved raising the standard of indigenous consultation and requiring consent for…

President Castillo to be presented with the Agenda Grande de la Amazonía Indígena

The Interethnic Association of the Peruvian Jungle (AIDESEP) announced the elaboration of the Great Agenda of the Indigenous Amazon that will be presented to the government to generate public policies in favour of the indigenous peoples. Among the main axes…

Congress approves education rollback and blocks environmental progress

Parliament approved legislation that represents a step backwards in the quality of education and sex education, and blocked other initiatives to make progress on environmental issues. While the country was plunged into a new political crisis, the Congress of the…

Deforestation for gold mining has increased by 90% in the Amazon region

Gold mining is already the second biggest cause of deforestation in the Madre de Dios region of the Peruvian Amazon, according to a scientific study. Deforestation caused by gold mining has increased by 90 % in the southwest of the…

Peru: 20|01: open assembly called for Repsol oil spill

The organisation Fridays for Future Peru is calling for an open assembly to gather information from social organisations, collectives and leaders interested in taking action against the oil spill in Ventanilla. The La Pampilla refinery, which belongs to the multinational…

Pandora’s paradises: capitalism, corruption, violence are published

A book on the revelations known as the Pandora Papers has been made available to the general public by the Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debts (CADTM). The 182-page publication edited by Alberto Acosta, Napoleon Santos and Natalia Sierra…

IACHR Court to review quilombolas’ ancestral land claim

The case concerns 152 communities affected by the failure to issue land titles, the expropriation of land and the unconsulted installation of an aerospace base. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) will review the case of the Quilombola communities…

Siberia: Gold mining is destroying the lands of the indigenous Shor people

In addition to being affected by open-pit coal mining, the Shors are impacted by gold mining companies that expropriate their land, pollute the environment and kill their flora and fauna. To make matters worse, the companies do not make financial…

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