Still I Rise

Still I Rise è un’organizzazione non profit internazionale e completamente indipendente, fondata nel 2018. Attraverso l'istituzione di centri educativi e scuole internazionali, l’obiettivo è offrire educazione, sicurezza e protezione ai minori profughi, svantaggiati, orfani e dimenticati nei luoghi più caldi della migrazione globale.

North-west Syria: humanitarian catastrophe without the renewal of UN resolution

The UN resolution for humanitarian aid through the Bab Al-Hawa crossing expires on 10 July 2021: if it is not renewed, the lives of 3.4 million people will be in thrall to Bashar Al-Assad’s regime. The appeal of Still I…

Kenya: an IB diploma for vulnerable and refugee children

Still I Rise International School is the first one in the world to offer the prestigious International Baccalaureate, free of charge, to the most vulnerable children. “Today, by becoming part of the IB system, we can say that we certainly…

Samos, Nicolò Govoni’s trial for use of fireworks postponed

The allegation refers to events that occurred the 6th of August, 2019 at a party at the Mazì education center. Still I Rise: “We have condemned the human rights violations on this island for years: the reasoning behind this trial…

Unaccompanied children at the gates of Europe. A report from Samos

Refugee Rights Europe and Still I Rise published a new report about the current situation of UAMs on the island of Samos, Greece What is the real situation of unaccompanied minors on the island of Samos, Greece? Refugee Rights Europe…

San Marino approves law to welcome unaccompanied foreign minors from refugee camps

The project will allow families and individuals residents of the Republic of San Marino to take MSNA into custody, including those coming from the Greek islands.  Still I Rise has been involved with the project from the start. The Republic…

Ten years of war: the world must talk about Syria again

The spotlight is elsewhere, but people are still dying in Syria and a whole generation of children does not know what it means to live in peace. On the 10th anniversary of the beginning of the conflict, we listen to…

Women’s day: equality starts at the school desk

Worldwide, only 27% of refugee girls receive secondary education, but it is through the education of women that all of society can improve. Learn about Still I Rise’s strategy for women’s inclusion and empowerment. Every 8th of March we talk…

Floods in Syria. Still I Rise distributes blankets, tarps and mats to support its students

After the recent floods in North West Syria, Still I Rise chose to support its students at Ma’an educational center in Ad Dana through the distribution of tarps, blankets and waterproof mats. This is by far just a drop in…

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