The Ecologist

The Ecologist is the world’s leading environmental affairs platform. Our aim is to educate and inform as many people as possible about the wonders of nature, the crisis we face and the best solutions and methods in managing that crisis.

Ditch Shell

Scientists for Extinction Rebellion Dear Sir Ian Blatchford: Scientists for Extinction Rebellion send open letter to the Science Museum Group calling for an end to Shell sponsorship. As a community of scientists working across many different disciplines, we are passionate…

Defending our forests

Are Rights of Nature the answer to our ecological crises? In 2020, felling of ancient woodlands had begun along the planned route of the UK’s new HS2 high-speed rail line. At Jones’ Hill Wood in Buckinghamshire – the literary inspiration…

Only the lonely

By Ross Crates, Dejan Stojanovic, Naomi Langmore and Rob Heinsohn Just as humans learn languages, animals learn behaviours crucial for survival and reproduction from older, experienced individuals of the same species. In this way, important “cultures” such as bird songs…

Waste not, want not

Brendan Montague The Food Waste Index Report 2021 looks at food waste that occurs in retail outlets, restaurants and homes. A staggering 931 million tonnes of food – 17 percent of total food available to consumers in 2019 – went into the waste bins…

Vale’s crime in Brumadinho

Saul Jones Brazilian activists continue to campaign for justice two years on from the Brumadinho mining disaster in Brazil. For two years now, the people of Brumadinho, Brazil have endured tireless searches and rescue attempts, looking for missing loved ones…

Sustainability starts in the classroom

Emily Folk Education is the best start to a sustainable life. Sustainability and caring about the planet are worthwhile causes that need consistent attention and care from our communities. While sustainability starts at home and on a personal level, education…

Blowing up pipelines

Walter Benjamin famously described revolution as humanity’s attempt to “activate the emergency brake” in the locomotive of history. His words, written amid the turmoil of World War II, still ring true in times of climate crisis and runaway ecological breakdown.…

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