Verónica Zapata

Verónica Zapata es periodista y psicóloga boliviana.U.B.A. Publicó en diversos medios de Bolivia, Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador, Uruguay,etc.También en centros académicos de Argentina como CLAE y FILA.

Anniversary of the Movement Towards Socialism in Bolivia in the midst of political crisis

On 11 March, the departmental leadership of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS-IPSP) in Santa Cruz and Beni made a formal complaint to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) to disavow its national leadership, whose president is Evo Morales and vice-president Gerardo…

Women’s march in Bolivia against justice after the release of femicides and rapists

On Monday 31 January, a massive “Women’s March against sexist violence and corruption in the justice system” took place from the Ballivian area of El Alto, through the city of La Paz and ended in front of the departmental court…

New coup attempt against MAS in Bolivia

Monday 8 November was the anniversary of the first year of the government of Luis Arce and David Choquehuanca, and at the same time the pro-Santa Cruz civic committee led by Rómulo Calvo of the ultra-right and allied with the…

The conquest of America: the situation of the indigenous today

The creation of nation states in America went hand in hand with the creation of “normal schools” whose educational objective was to homogenise the population on the basis of a single culture, European culture. From there, the prevailing narrative was…

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