World Beyond War

World Beyond War is a global nonviolent movement to fully end the institution of war and establish a just and sustainable peace. We seek to achieve these objectives by establishing partnerships with individuals and organizations in a global campaign of education, lobbying, and nonviolent direct action.

Why We Oppose the National Defense Authorization Act

The moment of ending a war widely viewed as a 20-year catastrophe, having spent $21 trillion on militarism during those 20 years, and the moment when the biggest Congressional question in the media is whether the United States can afford $3.5 trillion…

Activists Paint Tank Tracks to Doors of Weapons Dealers

Activists across Canada marked the third anniversary of the Yemen school bus massacre on Monday with protests at weapons manufacturers and government offices, calling on Canada to stop all weapons exports to Saudi Arabia. The Saudi bombing of a school…

Canada Enlists in the U.S. Empire

It seems the allure of empire is just too great. For many Americans, Canada is a peaceful, enlightened and progressive country with universal healthcare, affordable education, and what we thought was a slim, non-interventionist military funded by a sensible budget.…

Why Drones are more Dangerous than Nuclear Weapons

THREATS TO INTERNATIONAL LAW AND WORLD ORDER Weaponized drones are probably the most troublesome weapon added to the arsenal of war making since the atomic bomb, and from the perspective of world order, may turn out to be even more…

Biden’s Drone Wars

By Brian Terrell On Thursday, April 15, the New York Times posted an article headed, “How the U.S. Plans to Fight From Afar After Troops Exit Afghanistan,” just in case anyone misunderstood the previous day’s headline, “Biden, Setting Afghanistan Withdrawal, Says ‘It Is Time to…

What Washington Does to Chinese

This coming Friday, newly elected U.S. President Joe Biden will meet with Japan’s Prime Minister SUGA Yoshihide for a summit that the mainstream media has presented as democratic and peace-loving countries casually getting together in order to discuss what should…

Support a Treaty to Ban Weaponized & Surveillance Drones

A grassroots international movement to ban weaponized drones and military and police surveillance, entitled Ban Killer Drones, has been launched. Go to to see the team work results of this excellent resource on United States’ not so secret assassinations around the…

Silently Disciplining Research

By Reseach Professor Emeritus at Prio, Ola Tunander, Modern Times, Ny Tid, Whistleblower supplement, March 6, 2021 Researchers who question the legitimacy of US wars, seem to experience being ousted from their positions in research and media institutions. The example presented here…

The Illegal Arms Trade and Israel

By Terry Crawford-Browne An Israeli documentary film called The Lab was made in 2013. It was shown in Pretoria and Cape Town, Europe, Australia and the US and won numerous awards, even including at the Tel Aviv International Documentary Film…

Yemen Yes! Now Afghanistan!

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, February 4, 2021 If the U.S. government follows through on what President Joe Biden said today about Yemen, that war’s days are numbered. If the rest of us learn the appropriate lessons, the war…

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