Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Battle for the Earth: The Dangerous Deception of “Net Zero by 2050″. Part 3

The most dangerous deception for climate protection at the moment is “Net Zero 2050.” All the climate culprits – Big Oil and corporate-friendly governments – have been quick to adopt this as the new climate target, but it has two…

Battle for the Earth: The Fossil Fuel Industry’s Baffling Strategies (Part 2)

In his book, The New Climate War: the fight to take back our planet, climatologist Michael E. Mann reports how powerful fossil fuel interest groups are still pouring millions of dollars into covert operations targeted to boycott meaningful climate action.…

17 Democratic Lawmakers Arrested at Abortion Protest Outside the Supreme Court

On Tuesday, 17 Democratic lawmakers were arrested outside the Supreme Court while protesting the court’s recent decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Protesters: “What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now! If we don’t get it? Shut it…

Forget Ted Cruz, What’s Really Missing in Texas Is the Green New Deal

“Lives are already being lost because of Texas politicians’ refusal to acknowledge and prepare for the realities of the climate crisis.” By Jessica Corbett While Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas is under fire for fleeing to Cancún for a vacation as…

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