
Which Is Worse, the Tech Giant Censors or the Stuff You Want Censored?

The communications system we live in is highly complex, mostly driven by greed and profit, in part semi-public, full of filth I know we’d be better off without, and increasingly openly censored and monitored by defenders of accepted good thinking.…

Organizers Cut Veteran’s Microphone for Speaking About Black History at Memorial Day Event

A 77-year-old veteran Army medic accused organizers of an American Legion Memorial Day event of censoring him on Wednesday, days after his microphone was cut as he attempted to share how the holiday was originally celebrated by Black people who…

Freedom of the Press 2021: Greece in 70th Place in the World

The  World Press Freedom Index 2021  published by Reporters without Borders (RSF) shows that journalism, “the basic vaccine against misinformation”, is being blocked completely or in part in 73% of the 180 countries which the organization monitors. This year’s Index,…

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