Climat change

Climate crisis – is there still a tomorrow?

We are witnessing the end of the world. Not of the planet Earth, which will continue to revolve around the sun for billions of years, but of the world understood as the condition of life of human beings and especially…

Noam Chomsky’s Speech to the 2022 World Social Forum

Recorded by the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament & Common Security on April 29, 2022. Last week, for today’s World Social Forum, we were privileged to record what I think is perhaps Noam Chomsky’s most profound and urgently important speech.  

The Geopolitics Behind Spiraling Gas and Electricity Prices in Europe

Markets do not solve the problem of energy pricing. What is required is planning and long-term investments in infrastructure. By Prabir Purkayastha The current crisis of spiraling gas prices in Europe, coupled with a cold snap in the region, highlights…

Why Poorer Nations Aren’t Falling for Green-Washed Imperialism

The world’s wealthiest countries make a big show of fighting climate change without offering poorer countries the finances to switch to renewable energy. By Prabir Purkayastha Fighting global warming is not just about providing a path to net-zero carbon emissions…

Greta Thunberg, Vanessa Nakate Excoriate World Leaders for ‘Blah, Blah, Blah’ Climate Failures

While Uganda’s Nakate said humanity “cannot adapt to extinction,” Thunberg from Sweden said lack of action is “a betrayal of all present and future generations.” Noted young climate activists Greta Thunberg and Vanessa Nakate on Tuesday excoriated global leaders’ response to…

Face 2 Face with Flavia Negozio and Leonardo Libero.

LIVE SHOW on Sunday, September 12 at 12:30 PM EST On this show, we speak with Flavia Negozio and Leonardo Libero about their article titled “On Winds of change and high altitude winds: alternative solutions to the energy crisis of the Planet”.…

‘Wake Up Call’: Rapidly Thawing Permafrost Threatens Trans-Alaska Pipeline

“The implications of this speak to the pipeline’s integrity and the effect climate change is having on pipeline safety in general.” Alaska’s thawing permafrost is undermining the supports that hold up an elevated section of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, putting in danger…

Climate Crisis Can Lead to Improved Social Cooperation and Economy

A new study on the effects of climate crises in ancient Mesopotamia found increased cooperation and a more widespread distribution of power. By April M. Short The going assumption is that the impacts of climate disasters on institutions and economics…

Nobel Laureates Urge Humanity to Stop ‘Taking Colossal Risks With Our Common Future’

“We need to reinvent our relationship with planet Earth. The future of all life on this planet—humans and our societies included—requires us to become effective stewards of the global commons.” Warning that “time is running out to prevent irreversible changes”…

COP26 Coalition International Press Conference on US Leaders’ Summit on Climate Change

An international press conference hosted by the COP26 coalition will take place to coincide with President Joe Biden’s virtual Leaders’ Summit on Climate Change this Thursday. On April 22nd Earth Day, the largest ever historical polluter, the United States, is…

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