Cold war

China, a threat for some and hope for others

We are already accustomed to the hypocrisy of Western powers, their opinion-makers and hegemonic media when it comes to classifying countries and governments as good or bad, angels or demons, depending on whether or not they are allies in their…

Rejecting War Is Not Enough—Racism Curdles Peace

War and racism have always been violently, tragically inseparable. For centuries, the most devastating and brutal conflicts in the world have been driven by destructive notions of racial superiority and murderous assertions of ethnic differences. By Claudia Webbe Russia’s invasion…

Why Nonalignment Is an Urgent Imperative for the Global South

South Africa and other countries that have abstained from voting against Russia at the United Nations General Assembly in response to the war in Ukraine face intense international criticism. In South Africa, the domestic criticism has been extraordinarily shrill, and…

On Putin’s Red Lines

A classic definition of the difference between a politician and a statesman is that, in disagreements with other nations, the latter can understand the position of the other side.  This being essential to diplomatic engagement, the speech given by President…

Meet the Biden Advisor Who Wants a Cold War with China

As a longtime Hawaii resident, I have always wondered how the former President of the United States, Grover Cleveland, was so ineffective when it came to foreign policy matters. His efforts to right the wrong of the unauthorized armed invasion…

Biden in Europe: To Contain China, Restructuring the Global Disorder

President Biden’s European sojourn has been a signal effort to restructure the global disorder to reinforce U.S. hegemony and to contain and manage China’s rise. Not limited to NATO’s new 2030 doctrine which reinforces U.S. Indo-Pacific military dominance with European…

A New Cold War with China

U.S.-Chinese relations will determine humanity’s fate. This applies to the increasingly dangerous arms race and military confrontations, the intense economic and technological competition, and the current absence of disarmament, pandemic, or climate change collaborations. How we respond to and shape…

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