Covid-19 vaccine

Russia, Africa and the Sputnik

Last December, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs posted to the official website for public reading its end-of-year report. The report offered the most significant activities and achievements, among them was the striking theme on Covid-19. By Kester Kenn Klomegah…

Urgent call to three rich Asian country governments – Japan, South Korea and Singapore to stop opposing TRIPS waiver at WTO

The Peoples Vaccine Alliance (PVA) in Asia is calling on Japan, Singapore and South Korea to take action on the voices of citizens across Asia and the global South by supporting the ‘temporary TRIPS Waiver’ proposal at the WTO’s general…

The West Is Practicing Vaccine Apartheid at a Global Level

For rich countries, the billions of dollars of vaccine market for Big Pharma far outweigh the benefits of saving millions of lives. By Prabir Purkayastha More than an eighth of the world’s population living in rich countries—the United States, Canada,…

Why the U.S. and Its Allies Are Stupid to Turn COVID-19 Vaccination Into a Geopolitical Power Play

The COVID-19 pandemic demands that all nations cooperate to vaccinate the entire global population—a goal that can’t be achieved using the usual rules of which countries win and which ones lose. By Prabir Purkayastha The recent joint statement by the…

Coalition Calls on Biden to Use US-Owned Patent to Share Covid Vaccine With the World

“The U.S. government can help end the pandemic if it uses its legal leverage with Moderna to jumpstart an ambitious vaccine manufacturing program to benefit the world.” By Jake Johnson Public health advocacy groups and scientists are pressuring the Biden…

Despite the pandemic-related challenges, Russia progresses with vaccination at home and abroad

President Vladimir Putin has praised the entire healthcare system, and particularly the hard-working team of scientists and specialists from different institutions for their efforts at research and creating a series of coronavirus vaccines for use against the coronavirus both at…

Academia: Why African Researchers Keep Distance Away From COVID-19

With estimated 1.3 billion population and huge resources, Africa still lags behind development, science and technology. Without its own manufactured vaccine, Africa now depends on the World Health Organization-backed equitable vaccine distribution network COVAX facility to fight the coronavirus pandemic.…

Cuban Vaccine Ready in July. Interview with the Cuban Ambassador to the Czech Republic

Mr Danilo Alonso Mederos, Cuban ambassador in Prague, gave us this interview on the subject of the Covid-19 pandemic, vaccines and the right to health. All over the world there is a struggle to win the Covid-19 pandemic. There are…

Vaccines: European Citizens’ Initiative for lifting patents reaches first 100.000 threshold

The European Citizens’ Initiative ‘Right to Cure’, a coalition of over 200 European civil society organizations from 14 European countries, reached a first threshold of 100.000 signatures today. The aim of the initiative is to push a legislative proposal to…

China Delivers on its Vaccine Pledges in Africa

By Kester Kenn Klomegah China and Africa have long decades of interaction. The relationship has changed over the years and Chinese outreach to Africa has often been viewed with deep appreciation, especially helping to overcome development challenges. As expectedly, China…

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