
Supplies arrive in Sri Lanka

The Chinese embassy in Sri Lanka reported the arrival of a shipment of 500 metric tons of rice, donated for distribution to students in need on the Asian island. The 50,000 packets of rice will be followed next week by…

In the darkness of the night

A few events in the news are impacting our understanding of the current situation and have motivated me to write this piece. Putin annexes Ukraine’s Donbas region, while Ukraine reconquers other invaded cities and threatens to recapture Crimea. Putin declares…

Guatem-mata, a not so subliminal message

There are blunders and there are failed acts. Make no mistake. To explain the strange headline of this column, I must point out that it refers to the most recent action of the communication secretariat of the presidency of the…

Hopi Indian Chief White Eagle: “This moment humanity is experiencing can be seen as a door or a hole”

Hopi Indian Chief White Eagle commented on the current situation: “This moment humanity is experiencing can be seen as a door or a hole”. The decision to fall in the hole or walk through the door is up to you.…

The most important thing: what crisis are we talking about?

If we have anything to thank the COVID-19 pandemic for, it is that it has precipitated and made transparent a crisis that has been predicted by many for quite some time. We all talk about crises today, but the degrees…

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