Culture and Arts Notebook

The Gift: A recipe on asking for that which we truly need

On humanism and spirituality     As a student in an all-girls Catholic school, we all went to Mass every Friday. After communion, the priest encouraged us to pray for our intentions before ending the mass with a “going away…

Adelina Gurrea’s book: Cuentos de Juana

Fil-Hispanic Literature     Hola Karinita, I finished an article in Spanish for Revista Filipina—a digital journal on Hispanic Filipino literature, culture with an academic bent.  It’s on Adelina Gurrea’s book of short stories that are marvelous, Cuentos de Juana. …

When the duende awakens

A Poem and a Backstory       When the duende awakens, Sends a signal from deep within, From faraway.   When the duende arises, Sings a melody– crisp and clear, From high above.   When the duende alights, Swells…

Moments in Time #1: In an Igorot Hut

POEM     It is midnight. Inside an Igorot hut.   Round and dark and empty Just a platform suspended above.   We climb up and lay down.   You and I, side by side, supine. Suspended in midair. Eyes…

PEC demands relief to Burmese journalists, political prisoners, common people

MEDIA       Geneva/Guwahati: Expressing serious concerns over the latest crisis faced by the people of Myanmar (formerly Burma) due to the Covid-19 pandemic under a military regime in NayPieTaw, the Switzerland based global media rights body ‘Press Emblem…

To A Lover

POEM     The sun will rise and set this day The sap will flow unseen to clothe the coffee bark of stark and wintry trees anew a primorous virgin green And I shall flow with morning, afternoon and twilight…

Drought Flood Fire

BOOK REVIEW     The world is on fire like never before: “Wildfires Have Erupted Across the Globe Scorching Places That Rarely Burned Before” (CNN headlines July 22, 2021) but not only is fire raging, Biblical floods are destroying entire…

Neo-Nazis target millions of autistic children in Bangladesh

TELEVISION FICTION/BROADCAST MEDIA       by Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury In 1939, the Nazi regime in Germany under the command of nefarious Adolf Hitler carried out a program called the T4, euthanizing hundreds of thousands of people with autism,…

Of An Evening

POEM       Wax and wane days weeks whoosh by I am seasons a door ajar   last year’s grass cut soon overgrown my young cats here a decade old   birdsong evening blooms   incense wafts Oropel by…

Love for Living Animals: Only 25 Philippine Balabac Mouse Deer Were Seen Recently. Many Owe Their Lives to Pearls

ESSAY       By Mona Gonzalez We must safeguard the web of life and care about the other living species that we share this planet with. Pygmy tarsiers eat and host bugs that we’ve seen at home — insects,…

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