Culture and Arts Notebook

Poetic Openings in the Time of Covid 19

POETRY             <A Prelude> In the early days of the Co-vid 19 pandemic, everyone was trying to come to grips with the isolation that the lockdown imposed on almost everyone. Anxiety over the unknown was…

Two Hearts on A Death

POEMS by Erlie Lopez   #1.Yellow Bursts Yellow is the color of sorrow: the ribbons tied around trees, the shirts and pins from seasons of arduous street protests. Yellow is the color of love: lovely flowers around the urn, the…


POEM           I put myself in your skin, and I was you. I felt your awe, your fear, your pain, your pleasure, and the divine spark that became the Force within you, impelling you forward since…

A walk in the rain

POEM         The raindrops were shining like stars On the grass.   Fallen from the sky They lay quiet, evanescent.   There they were Stars we don’t see during the day.   Unseen but ever-present As I…

The Time of No Change

LITERARY         The family group stood in the jungle clearing. The rosy dawn was just beginning to filter through the trees. The grandfather and grandmother, their numerous grown children, the wives and husbands and grandchildren old enough…

ICONS AND IDENTITIES: a special portrait exhibition in Korea

ART EXHIBIT         As an honorary reporter for Korean Culture and Information Service this year, a group of reporters based in Korea had the privilege of visiting the special exhibition entitled “Icons and Identities” presents by the…

Winged Lovers of the Light

POEM by Perfecto “Boyet” Caparas   Waves Surging Splashing bathing our souls Naked With lights fragrance Of flowers Of gentleness and bliss   Waves of tenderness Engulfing Two naked souls Holding each other in tight Embrace As we my dear…

Chuncheon- “A unification hub city dreaming of a future unified Korea”

PERSONAL ACCOUNT/PHOTO ESSAY         The Korean War which started 71 years ago on June 25th, 1950, had involved 21 countries under the United Nations peacekeeping command signifies the world’s first attempt at collective security under the UN…

Love for Living Animals: The Little Spotted Kiwi

ESSAY   We must safeguard the web of life and care about the other living species that we share this planet with. Pygmy tarsiers eat and host bugs that we’ve seen at home — insects, spiders, lizards, bedbugs, lice, fleas,…

With Eyes Closed

POEM         I close my eyes And I see a world As big and as wide As no eyes can embrace.   I close my eyes And I see a void From where all things Can be.…

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