drone wars

At Long Last, Ban Weaponized Drones

Former President Barack Obama recently tweeted that the day of a school shooting was the worst day of his presidency. Well, it certainly shouldn’t have been a good day, but, seriously, what the filibuster? Was it a bad day because…

SIPRI: 2021 Stockholm Security Conference

On 8–11 November, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) will convene the sixth annual Stockholm Security Conference. The theme for this year’s conference is ‘Battlefields of the Future: Trends of Conflict and Warfare in the 21st Century’. The conference…

Biden’s Drone Wars

By Brian Terrell On Thursday, April 15, the New York Times posted an article headed, “How the U.S. Plans to Fight From Afar After Troops Exit Afghanistan,” just in case anyone misunderstood the previous day’s headline, “Biden, Setting Afghanistan Withdrawal, Says ‘It Is Time to…

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