
Educating by example

In a world where discourse is increasingly distanced from behaviour, the phrase once uttered by Albert Einstein becomes relevant: “Educating by example is not one way of educating, it is the only way”. Educating and teaching are two words that…

Urgent appeal to protect education in emergencies

Conflicts, climate and environmental disasters and public health emergencies have a devastating impact on the right to education for millions of people. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the challenges to fulfilling the human right to education were already enormous, with an…

The fallacy of information

The information fallacy consists of believing that, if we provide people with truthful, objective and undistorted information, they will be able to digest and act rationally with respect to it. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fallacy of…

I will never kill another person! I believe it is wrong – Yurii Sheliazhenko Ukrainian peace activist talks to young students

The following text is taken from the last of part of the video of Yurii Sheliazhenko “Don’t lie like Boris Johnson!” My name is Yurii Sheliazhenko and I am a Ukrainian peace activist. I live in Kyiv the capital of…

Thousands of words to support Peace and Nonviolence in Ukraine

We are in a time of war, and in the mainstream media, the floor is given above all to leaders who are at the head of hostilities and conflicts. Right now, we mostly hear words tinged with violence. These words…

Rules of Procedure: The best interests of children and young people

We are just a few days away from the return to classes in Chile, hoping that there is a consensus that these classes will be face-to-face because the consequences of the pandemic and online classes have been devastating, especially for…

Emotional education: an anthropological approach

The importance of human adaptation in times of crisis is a must. It is therefore urgent that the state and society in general, develop “emotional education” as a fundamental requirement for personal and social equilibrium. As a social anthropologist, I…

Transition Test: It makes no difference where you are born or where you study

On January 11, the results of the Transition Test (PDT), the instrument used to determine university entrance, were made public in Chile and, once again, it is clear that it does not matter where you are born or where you…

To discover and learn: to govern is to connect

“To govern is to educate” was the motto of the government of Chilean President Pedro Aguirre Cerda. More than 80 years have passed and that phrase and its programmatic content have become part of our history. Children and young people…

Vernor Muñoz: “Education needs, first and foremost, state funding and not charity or philanthropy”.

Present at the World Education Meeting, organised by UNESCO, which brought together education leaders from 40 states, the Director of Policy and Advocacy of the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), who is also a member of the Latin American Campaign…

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