Free Assange

Assange’s case erupts at the Perugia Journalism Festival

From the stage Stella Morris, Julian Assange’s wife, and the investigative journalist Stefania Maurizi will urge the journalists present to defend the founder of Wikileaks. While outside the hall, a group of FREE ASSANGE Italia activists will tell journalists that…

Thousands Sign Petition Supporting Assange Release

WASHINGTON, DC–Led by the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), more than 26 antiwar groups and 2,500 individual peace and justice advocates have cosponsored a statement calling for the immediate release of publisher Julian Assange and commending him for his contributions toward global…

Christine Assange’s Open Letter to the World to Save the Life of her Son, Julian Assange

Fifty years ago in giving birth for the first time as a young mother, I thought there could be no greater pain. But it was soon forgotten when I held my beautiful baby boy in my arms. I named him Julian.…

Why Julian Assange’s Inhumane Prosecution Imperils Justice for Us All

When I first saw Julian Assange in Belmarsh prison, in 2019, shortly after he had been dragged from his refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy, he said, “I think I am losing my mind.” By John Pilger He was gaunt and…

People’s court tries US and asks for Assange’s freedom

A people’s court here today condemned the United States for war crimes committed in the name of the fight against terrorism, and demanded the release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The symbolic hearing was organised by Progressive International a week…

“There seemed to be no limits”: CIA allegedly planned to abduct Julian Assange from Ecuador’s London embassy and assassinate him, report reveals

The investigation was conducted by Yahoo! News, which relied on interviews with more than 30 former Trump administration officials. The CIA allegedly conspired to kidnap Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2017, and some senior officials in…

Assange High Court appeal

As you are no doubt aware, Julian Assange appeared at a further court hearing last week. We regret to report that he looked aged and unwell as a result of his continued incarceration. The High Court hearing on 11 August,…

Julian Assange tortured to give governments and army the freedom to kill

Tonight I received a letter that Fabio wrote and addressed to some English politicians. We reworked it together making it an open letter addressed to those who, in various ways, are involved in the dramatic situation of Julian Assange: to…

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