Free Julian Assange

No one could deny Wikileaks reports, but the prisoner is Assange

The indecency of power and the manipulation of the collective imagination add up to the ignominious decision of UK Home Secretary Priti Patel, who authorised the extradition to the US of Australian whistleblower Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, accused by…

JournalistsSpeakUpForAssange: The UK approved Julian’s extradition

Friday’s announcement that the UK government approved Julian’s extradition was perhaps an expected formality, but many of you no doubt felt as we did that the news was extremely disappointing – particularly as so many press freedom organisations, including us,…

The DOCTORS FOR ASSANGE: Letter to Priti Patel MP, UK’s Home Secretary

The DOCTORS FOR ASSANGE, a group of doctors from around the world that formed in October 2019 to voice our serious concerns about the health of Julian Assange and to condemn the violations of his right to be free from…

UK judge blocks Julian Assange extradition

The UK’s top court ruled against the extradition of the WikiLeaks founder, citing mental health grounds. In the US, he faces up to 175 years, for multiple espionage charges for releasing sensitive military documents A UK judge on Monday refused…

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