Freedom of the Press


Full page ad in Tuesdays @guardian: 1800 Journalists from the UK and around the world urge the British government to block the extradition of Julian Assange The case against Julian Assange is a threat to Journalists everywhere #JournalistsSpeakUpForAssange —…

Julian Assange: “Behind the sentence, there has been great social pressure,” according to Fidel Narváez.

“We must celebrate the sentence … but with great caution,”. In this interview, Fidel Narvaez, former consul of Ecuador in London tells us about the resolution that denies the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States. “Behind the sentence,…

2020: The year of feminist struggles and political resistance in Latin America

Activism did not disappear during quarantine In Latin America and the Caribbean, the year 2020 was marked by the role of feminist and social movements that helped bring about immense political change despite the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic which…

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