
Rebel against the “old World Order” the future is now !

The “new order” according to Chrystia Freeland – Canadian Minister of Finance  On Tuesday October 11, Canadian Minister Chrystia Freeland was addressing a talk to a modest-sized crowd in Washington, but really her audience was the top-level international economic leaders…

Apocalypse tomorrow

If one takes the trouble to review history, one discovers that we have always been like this: it is an avoidable apocalypse, or end times, though it is not easy or simple to do so, but setting to work towards…

Virtual Beauty, Virtual Freedom, Virtual Love: Is the Metaverse Our Future?

When is the last time you were outside in the morning to experience a glorious dawn? Or sat watching the sun set across the ocean horizon? How do you feel when you touch the skin of someone you love? A…

Why Are Humans Fighting Other Humans when We Are Facing Extinction as a Species?

For critical thinkers, the cascading consequences of the Ukraine war are redundant proofs of what they already knew before the war: there are no solutions to humanity´s principal problems inside the framework of the basic legal and ethical structures of…

“Have reverence for life” – Interview with ecocentrist Fred Hageneder on climate disruption, species extinction and our future on Earth

Heat waves, droughts, floods and wildfires are on the rise, the IPCC and the UN are sounding the alarm bells. Recently, even a report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA (United States Weather and Oceanographic Administration) attested the…

Letter to the end-of-the-world generation

It is in solidarity with you who today view the adult world with apprehension and wonder about the future that I write this text. I ask for your permission to offer my experience as a History teacher and researcher on…

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