
Iraq urgently needs a real constitution

Iraq is in dire need of a real constitution. The reasons for a failed state, and the normative miseries since the adoption of its current text in 2005 are growing by the day (Alnasir, 2021c; Cordesman & Molot, 2019; Flibbert,…

Consequences of chemical weapons still felt by victims 34 years after the attack on Halabja, Northern Iraq

The 16th of March 2022 marks the 34th anniversary of the despicable attack on Halabja by the forces of Saddam Hussain on the Kurdish population of Northern Iraq. The population was targeted with what experts later concluded to be “a…

The Brutes Haven’t All Been Exterminated

Sometimes I struggle to explain why none of the endless wars can ever be ended. Are they just too profitable? Is the propaganda self-fulfilling and self-believing? Is the bureaucratic inertia that powerful? No combination of semi-rational motivations ever seems sufficient.…

The pope in Iraq

The Pope’s decision to visit Mesopotamia must be carefully considered, given the complexity of the geopolitical issues of the Near and Middle East. The Pope went to a place that is the scene of a geopolitical clash, where there are…

Hezbollah praises Pope’s visit to Iraq

Lebanon’s Hezbollah on Tuesday hailed Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq and his meeting with Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Husayni al-Sistani. Both religious leaders agreed on the need to ease the suffering, injustice, oppression, poverty, religious and intellectual persecution, wars, violence…

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