
Thousands Sign Petition Supporting Assange Release

WASHINGTON, DC–Led by the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), more than 26 antiwar groups and 2,500 individual peace and justice advocates have cosponsored a statement calling for the immediate release of publisher Julian Assange and commending him for his contributions toward global…

Christine Assange’s Open Letter to the World to Save the Life of her Son, Julian Assange

Fifty years ago in giving birth for the first time as a young mother, I thought there could be no greater pain. But it was soon forgotten when I held my beautiful baby boy in my arms. I named him Julian.…

Why Julian Assange’s Inhumane Prosecution Imperils Justice for Us All

When I first saw Julian Assange in Belmarsh prison, in 2019, shortly after he had been dragged from his refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy, he said, “I think I am losing my mind.” By John Pilger He was gaunt and…

A Day in the Death of British Justice

I sat in Court 4 in the Royal Courts of Justice in London on August 11 with Stella Moris, Julian Assange’s partner. I have known Stella for as long as I have known Julian. She, too, is a voice of…

Assange High Court appeal

As you are no doubt aware, Julian Assange appeared at a further court hearing last week. We regret to report that he looked aged and unwell as a result of his continued incarceration. The High Court hearing on 11 August,…

Open letter from ΜέΡΑ25 and SYRIZA to Biden on Assange

(Similar letters to the US President have been sent by members of the British and Australian Parliaments (including members of the conservative governing parties).) In this context, ΜέΡΑ25 formally addressed the Parliamentary Groups of the New Democracy, SYRIZA, Kinal and…

Dramatic Arrest of Journalist by Belarus Highlights US Targeting of Snowden in 2013

“Downing aircraft to pursue the arrest of dissidents has always been outrageous,” the NSA whistleblower said Monday. By Kenny Stancil While the dramatic arrest of dissident journalist Roman Protasevich by the Belarusian government over the weekend was fiercely condemned worldwide, press freedom advocates…

Assange’s Victory, Still Press Freedom in Jail

By Jhon Sánchez A London judge denied Assange extradition based solely on his mental and physical health. The Magistrate Judge Baraitser writes, “I find that the mental condition of Mr. Assange is such that it would be oppressive to extradite…

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