
Mandala-making: snippets of lived experiences and reflections (cont’d)

SPIRITUALITY         by Genevieve Balance-Kupang The joy of seeing accomplished mandalas is but one of the humble responses to the overwhelming challenge of creating a new culture. It draws one to experience and appreciate beauty, creativity, uniqueness,…

Mandala making: Lived experiences and reflections of my peace friends

SPIRITUALITY (Third of a Series)         by Genevieve Balance-Kupang Creating mandalas is intentional, serial, imaginal, and relational. It offers a method, a process, and a potential for integrating unconscious dynamics into awareness and as an expression of…

The phenomenon of mandala-making

SPIRITUALITY         by Genevieve Balance-Kupang From the Byakko Shinko Kai (BSK) perspective, written mandalas of bright words and gratitude to nature are a path to inner peace and world peace. The mandala is a circle with a…

Mandala as a symbol of the self, spirituality and wholeness

SPIRITUALITY         by Genevieve Balance-Kupang Mandala is a Sankrit word that means “sacred or magic circle.” Babies as young as seven days old prefer seeing this primal shape known to man more than any other shape. In…

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